2022 <> Pop-up exhibit fratures bread,wine and more
<머니투데이> ’교황의 와인’ 만나러 북촌 가볼까 미술+꽃 더해진 코너갤러리전시
<연합뉴스> ‘교황의 와인’ 과 미술의 만남…코너갤러리 ‘와인디바인’전
<서계일보> [설왕설래] 교황과 와인
<뉴스웍스> 코너갤러리 ‘교황의 와인’ 특별전시…김다정.정서윤 작가 콜라보
2021 < Media> Interview with Korean artist Chung. Seoyoon, K-art
2021 <국민일보> ‘Touching Stardust’ solo show 전시 기사/ Kukmin News
2021 <헤럴드경제> ‘동양 자개와 서양 유화가 만난 그림? Touching Stardust 전시 기사/ The Herald Business News
2021 <아주경제> ‘Touching Stardust’ solo show/ Article
2020 JULY Luxury Magazine / artist - my morning routine interview
2019 JUNE Luxury Magazine / artist 정서윤 cosmetic art/works&interview
Award Winning Career
2017.12 한류 문화공현대상, 아티스트상, 한중문화교류협회장상
대한민국국회/교육문화체육관광위원회/서울특별시의회/한중문화교류협회 주관
Educational Background
서울대학교 서양화 BFA
Career Background
Was - Fashion Designer
Was - Curator
Was - Art Teacher
2015 Member of S.A.C (Societat d’Acupuntors de Catalunya, Europe),
2017 World Barista Diploma (SAC-specialty coffee association,USA),
2017 세계문화교류재단 이사, Relatios with Indonesia Aceh
2022.12.24~2023.01.09 World’s Inspiration From Wine/ Corner Gallery / 삼청동, South Korea
2022.12.17~2023.01.12 모두다 꽃이다/ K-UM Gallery / 문정동, South Korea
2022.11.29~2022.12.04 <SCOPE> MIAMI BEACH2022/ artfair / SIA GALLERY NEW YORK
2022.09.29~2022.10.01 K-artfair(KAF) / COEX Convention & Exhibition Center
2022.08.01~2022.08.04 ART JEJU / LOTTE HOTEL / Jeju Ireland, South Korea
2022.07.15~2022.08.01 <황혼에서 새벽까지> / solo show / corner gallery / 삼청동, South Korea
2022.05.11~2022.05.25 <그림으로 쓰는 시 > / solo show / Gallery ANDART / 운중동, South Korea
2022.05.04~2022.05.08 <KOREA ART SHOW>/ Art Fair/ Suwon Convention Center/ Suwon, South Korea
2021.06.21~2021.08.31 <MOVE, MOOD MOVED>/ solo show초대전/ STARRIAN/ 강릉, South Korea
2021.05.17~2021.06.19 <Touching Stardust>/ solo exhibition/space1257/ 논현동, Seoul, South Korea
2021.03.01~2021.04.15 <봄바람난 고양이>/ 2인전 / space1257/ 논현동, Seoul, South Korea
2019.11.17~2019.11.23 <ECA 에코 현대미술전 ‘공간과 색채’>/ Group show/ 17th 부산국제환경예술제/ 부산광역시청, Busan, Soth Korea
2019.10.04~2019.10.13 <자문밖동고동락전>/ Groupshow/ 하나사랑갤러리/ 평창동
2019.07.07~2020.11.30 collaboration with HEERE TEA - china tea brand / solo show/ Yeonnam-dong, South Korea
2019.02.11~2019.04.30 <JUICY PLAy>/ solo exhibition/ 꿰뚫X이목갤러리 / 청담동, Seoul, South Korea
2018.12.01~2019.01.31 <BARAM> / solo exhibition/ 평창문화포럼갤러리/ 자문밖사람들문화전/ 평창동, Seoul, Soth Korea
2017.03. ~2017.11. Art restaurant ‘붓닿는대로’/ 브랜딩, 아트컨설팅작업, 작품설치 전시, 공간큐레이팅/ 한남동, Seoul, South Korea
2016.11.22~12.30 <LIQUID LOVE> / solo exhibition/ art space SUDABANG / 청운동, Seoul, South Korea
2016.10.22~10.31 <자문밖사람들문화전>/ Group show/ 평창동, Seoul, South Korea
2016.03.03~03.25 <Beauty in Grace>/ Group show/ 예송미술관, 시립예송뮤지엄/ 잠실 Seoul, South Korea
2016.02.15~05.30 <봄의 소리>/ Group show / 송파구 구청 Little Gallery, 상설전시장 / 잠실 Seoul, South Korea
September <서울미대동문전>/ Group show / SNU장학빌딩, 마포구
October <자문밖 사람들>/ Group show/ 평창문화포럼갤러리, 평창동
November <Beauty in Grace> Group show / SIA Gallery / New York, Chelsea
December <Ibero-America Art Fair Seoul>/ Group show/ 예술의 전당